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From our President: 

Being an African-American dental student, involvement with the Student National Dental
Association is paramount to me. I have had the pleasure of working on the executive board of
SNDA at CWRU for the past two years and I am honored to serve as president in year three.
After unprecedented growth in membership this year, I am excited to get all members involved
in the national mission of the SNDA while working on a local level.
Working with my fellow executive board members, we’re creating a jam-packed calendar of
events, meetings, and service to make this year our best yet. That being said, I’m eagerly
anticipating the ideas and input from our general body. Please don’t hesitate to shoot me an
email or find me in clinic—my door is always open!
I look forward to working with all of you to make this a wonderful, fulfilling year!

Morgan Celistan
Class of 2020

40+ Years of Tradition

The Student National Dental Association (SNDA) originated from concerned dental students at Meharry Medical College in 1970. As a branch of the National Dental Association whose inception occured some forty years prior in 1932, SNDA has become the largest minority dental student organization in the United States. We are proud to have our own chapter here at CWRU!

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Second Mission Trip to Jamaica

This summer, seven SNDA members attended a mission trip to St. Thomas and Clarendon, Jamaica. They were able to help hundreds of Jamaican citzens performing numerous dental procedures such as: extractions, prophylaxis, and restorative on children and adults. We are so grateful to be able to go on this trip for a consectutive year. To see images from their trip click here.


SNDA Conference in Orlando 2018

Recently, four of our members went to the SNDA National Conference in Orlando. SNDA members were able to connect with other SNDA Chapters in the US, network with members of the NDA, as well as attend workshops and lectures relevant to dental. To see more information about their trip click here.



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SNDA National Membership

The national SNDA registration is open. If you would like to participate in SNDA national events, as well as have access to variable scholarships, you should complete online registration. Click here to do so!




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