SNDA of Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine
SNDA Event Gallery
Check out photos from various SNDA Events here!
East Cleveland Boys & Girls Club Health Fair November 7th 2015
Members of SNDA participated at the East Cleveland Boys & Girls Club Health Fair. We provided oral education and dental "goodie" bags that contained toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss to the students.
Forest City Dental Annual Clinic October 2015
Members of SNDA attended their annual fall clnic this past October. There they were able to attend CME lectures, and a luncheon honoring the NDA President Carrie Brown.
SNDA National Conference Chicago 2015
SNDA National Conference Chicago 2015
SNDA National Conference Chicago 2015
SNDA National Conference Chicago 2015
SNDA National Conference July 23-27, 2015
Members of our exceutive board were able to attend the SNDA national conference which was held in Chicago, IL. This was a great opportunity for our students to network with members of the NDA, meet other SNDA chapters, and attend speaking engagements and workshops from various topics including Malpractice insurance to an New Dentist Panel Session. We look forward to the next SNDA national conference next year in Atlanta, GA in 2016.
Forest City Dental Society Events
Boys and Girls Club Cleveland
Recently in June 2015, our members volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club Cleveland- Broadway location. During this time, we spoke with children ages 6-15 about the importance of oral health. They learned about the rules of two's when it comes to brushing their teeth, and thanks to Oral-B, we were able to donate goodie bags containing toothbrushes and toothpaste to each child! This even would not have been a success if not for our members.
( R.) Funmi, Faculty Advisor Dr. Potts, Nithila, and Lyndon at Forest City Dental Society Annual Clinic
SNDA Members at the Annual Fall Clinic
SNDA Members at welcome dinner for Dean Chance.
( R.) Funmi, Faculty Advisor Dr. Potts, Nithila, and Lyndon at Forest City Dental Society Annual Clinic
We've had a number of events in conjunction with the Forest City Dental Society. This included a welcome dinner for Dean Chance, as well as several of our members attending the Forest City Dental Society annual fall clinic. We are grateful for all the opportunites Forest City Dental Society provides us with to interact with practicing dentists in the Cleveland Area.
SNDA members speak to at-risk youth
SNDA members speak to at-risk youth
SNDA members speak to at-risk youth
Volunteer Opportunities
In November, several of our members spoke with at-risk youth in Cleveland on the importance of education, as well as oral hygiene health and habits. Thank you to those volunteers who participated in this opportunity, as their presence made an impact on these young lives.